I’ll be honest, this post is an excuse for me to show you a picture of my dog, Paper. Yes, his name is Paper. That is another story all together.
Now that I’ve verified my love for animals with this picture …
Yesterday I talked to a potential client who is interested in setting up a trust for her pets. Believe it or not, this will be the second pet trust I’ve worked on this year! Obviously, I’m not the only one who is in love with animals.
I can totally understand why some of my clients want to make sure their pets are provided for. If you exit without planning for your pet, your pet may end up in a bad home with unloving care-givers, or worse on the street.
The thing is, the court isn’t equipped to place your pet. Hopefully, you have loving family who is willing to step in, but you never know.
Even if you do have family to step in, nobody knows your pet like you do, and you should make sure and carry that information over. Make sure you let your loved ones know the food and activities your pet likes. A good tulsa lawyer focused on estate planning can help you with that.
Lastly, if you do have family to care for your pet, and especially if you don’t, make sure you provide financially in a trust. This tulsa attorney have drafted two recently. It doesn’t have to be much, even a little can guarantee that your pet continues to live a warm and healthy life.