Selecting a Guardian for Minors – Geography

Geography is a factor that my clients frequently fail to consider when naming a guardian for their minor children. If it is possible, name someone who lives close.

If something happens that renders you unable to care for you minor children, it will be a stressful time for the children and for the named guardian. The last thing that you want is to add more stress to the situation. If the children have to move a long distance to the guardian, or if the guardian has to move to the children, the relocation will add additional stress.

If possible, name someone who lives close. Of course, some of us do not live near the person or person that we feel would be the best guardian of our children. If that is true for you, it is ok. Geography is one of many factors to consider when deciding on who should act as guardian. Very few people will have a guardian who fits perfectly when considering all of the factors. Just do the your best to consider the factors and seek the counsel of a competent estate planning attorney if you feel you need to.


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